Personal Experiences

Monnette: "While at my very first ghost hunt at The Gaslight Inn, I had probably the most clarifying paranormal experience. The hunt began with a medium by the name of Laura, sharing with us the history of the building along with details of the most active spirits. We were about halfway through the evening, I was sitting at the bar with Laura having a conversation with Laura about the activity in my apartment. While talking I had an eerie feeling that someone was staring at me, but brushed it off as first hunt jitters. Laura paused mid sentence and said, "I'm sorry, this has been bugging me since we started talking. There is a young man sitting behind you, tapping his fingers on the bar." Something along those lines anyway. She said this spirit normally plays with the jukebox, but apparently was very interested in me. Although it gave me chills, it did confirm that my feelings had been correct, and that I should trust them. I snapped a few photos and was able to capture an orb behind me."
Kayla: "My experiences are not quite as exciting as Monnette's. By that I mean I don't have any physical representation to validate my experiences. Most of mine have come in the form of feelings, hearing my name, and images appearing in my mind (yes I am aware that last one sounds a little nutty). I've had unsettling feelings in the past at various apartments I lived. You know the feelings I mean: chills run up your spine and cause the hair on your neck to stand straight up. However, I'm not saying that during any of those times did I feel threatened or get any bad vibes. Just very sudden and creepy to say the least. As for hearing my name being called it usually happens when I'm alone and beginning to fall asleep or attempting to wake up. Naturally, always when my eyes are closed. When this particular incident typically occurs I do not recognize the voice speaking my name and it usually sounds as if someone is speaking into my mind rather than me hearing it from somewhere in the room. The most recent time I heard someone speak to me was a little different. I actually recognized this person's voice and they did not say my name. Instead, they spoke the word "Hello?". Just like that in the form of question, as if they were asking if I were listening or if I could hear them. And remember, I said I recognized this voice. It was in fact the voice of my papaw, Daniel. At that point in time it had been maybe a year and a half since his passing, it will be two years I believe in January 2017. The incident definitely had me in a moment of shock, but honestly I felt comforted by the fact that he cared so much to try and speak with me after he passed. My husband and I have since then moved to a new home. After the birth of our son, Owen, I feel his comforting presence even more, around myself as well as Owen. I can't tell you why he would be hanging around, but in my opinion he may be a guardian, protecting myself as well as my family. Whatever the reason may be, I am more than happy to have him here with us. In regards to the images that I had mentioned appearing in my head, Monnette and I shared that experience together so I will leave that for another time."
-Much love and light to you all. M & K